Finding localized relief from topical cannabis is a great way to provide your cells with cannabinoids without the psychoactive effects that you would feel if you smoked or ingested it. That being said, topicals can safely be used generously throughout the day, as often as required.

Both THC and CBD act on a system of receptors in your body called cannabinoid receptors. These receptors are found throughout your body and, so far, researchers have identified two major types: CB1 (primarily found in the central nervous system, including parts of the brain and spinal cord) and CB2 (mainly found in tissues of the immune system.) Interestingly, both types of receptors have been found in the skin. Researchers have also found that while THC can bind to and activate both types of receptors, CBD seems to modulate and somewhat block the effects of CB1 and CB2 receptors. Therefore, any effect that CBD has on the CB receptors may actually be more related to regulating and even counteracting some of the actions of THC and other cannabinoids in the brain.

Why does the body have receptors for compounds in cannabis? It doesn’t exactly. Cannabinoids like THC and CBD are similar enough to compounds that your body naturally makes (called endocannabinoids) that they can interact with this system. Normally, the endocannabinoid system is thought to play a role in a variety of functions in the body, helping to regulate things like parts of the immune system, the release of hormones, metabolism and memory.

More recent research shows that many of the effects of CBD may occur outside of the CB receptors, and CBD may have effects on some serotonin receptors (known to play a role in depression and anxiety), adenosine receptors (one of the neurological targets for caffeine), and even TRPV-1 receptors (more commonly associated with taste and the sensation of spiciness). It is said that CBD binds to receptors in multiple different pathways – it has many, many different targets which makes it difficult to know how much of its effect on each target contribute to the potential pain-relieving effects.

Medical benefits of THC topicals:

  • Analgesic
  • Pain Reliever
  • Anti-Spasmodic
  • Anti-bacterial agent
  • Anti-viral agent
  • Antioxidant

Medical benefits of CBD topicals:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Pain Reliever
  • Anti-Spasmodic
  • Neuro-controller
  • Anti-Viral & Anti-bacterial properties
  • Antioxidant

At Bare Botanix, we believe in whole plant medicine. As THC and CBD bind to different cannabinoid receptors in the body, we believe in using these compounds together. Their powerful combination is found together in nature, and this is how we choose to use them in our topicals as well. By having THC and CBD together, this generates a higher level of endocannabinoid activities in the body, which translates into providing greater medical relief to the user. This is the Entourage Effect.